One can easily imagine that an adoring young lady handed this small flag to this handsome, clean-shaven boy as he marched through throngs of cheering citizens in his hometown.
The draping of the flag over the chest of this New Yorker, and the placement of his hand over his heart, suggest the depth of his passion for the Union.
The characters on the cap of this enlisted man with a wrinkled flag identify him as a member of Company I in the 25th Infantry.
At first glance, it appears the staff with attached 34-star banner has been inserted into the barrel of this Model 1855 Colt Revolving Rifle. Closer examination, however, suggests that the gent holds the end of the staff, and rests his hand on the muzzle of the gun. Of added interest is the back mark used by photographer Ludvig Emil Motzfeldt of Copenhagen, Denmark, from 1861-1863. Is the man pictured an American expatriate or a supportive Dane? Motzfeldt and his entire family moved to the U.S. in 1868.
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